Take back the tap!
Everyone should have access to clean, safe water in their own home. To help residents determine the health of the water inside their homes, GSWA began a discounted-rate well water testing program in 2014 and expanded this offering in 2016 to include public water testing.
Individuals with private wells are solely responsible for having their water tested for contaminants. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that homeowners have their water tested annually.
Although providers of public water are required to do extensive tests on the water that they supply, sometimes issues arise between the water main and the tap. Most often, these issues are due to lead or copper piping inside the individual’s home.
If your home was built before 1986, or if you suspect that you have lead pipes or fixtures, you may want to test your water for lead.
The water you drink every day can have impacts on your family’s health. Colorless and tasteless particles can become a health risk without your knowledge. Testing your public or well water is an opportunity to learn about any areas of concern with your water at discounted prices. Through Garden State Labs, we can offer this testing at lab cost.
Basic Well Water Package: $125
We constructed this package specifically for Great Swamp watershed residents based on the geography of the land and past data. Testing includes Total Coliform + E. coli, Nitrate, Iron, Manganese, Lead, & Arsenic.
Basic Public Water Package: $65
If your water isn’t from a well but is instead from a municipal source (you pay for your water), this package is for you. It includes pH, Lead, and Total Coliform + E. coli.
Additional Testing for Well and Public Water
Test add-ons are available for additional fees (due when you drop off your sample on March 30)
Please be sure to select individual add-ons when placing your order to receive the correct test bottles:
GSWA and the Summit Free Public Library invite you to participate in the March, 2022 Residential Well Testing Program
Click HERE for a full list of testing parameters and descriptions
Click HERE to view the GSWA Residential Water Testing Brochure
-In exchange for discounted rates, homeowners agree to let GSWA analyze the outcomes of their tests and create a database of results, increasing the organization’s understanding of groundwater quality in our region.
-This program is made possible with grant funding from The Summit Foundation
-These tests cannot be used to satisfy the requirements of a real estate transaction.
If you have any questions regarding the 2022 water testing program
Email Sandra LaVigne: or Ginger Van Ryzin:
or call 973-538-3500.